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1Tree Basic 3.0< のgiveaway は 2013年12月15日
1Tree はドライブ、フォルダーとファイルをサイズで分類し、削除、移動などの基本的なコマンド、そして特別ないくつかのコマンドで処理。1Treeによりディスク整理がより簡単に実施可能。
UNIX/Linux コマンドと同じような機能、またはWindowsのGUIと同じような機能を提供
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8 (x32/x64); NET Framework 2.0 or later
9.71 MB
PDF to X はPDFを Word (.doc)/WordPad (.rtf) 、HTMLウエブページ、 JPG/PNG/BMP/TIF/GIF/PCX/TGAイメージとテキストへの変換を大量処理。Adobe Acrobatや Adobe Readerの必要画が無く、使いやすいインターフェース、小さなファイルサイズで迅速に処理。
コメント 1Tree Basic 3.0
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This GAOTD is probably just a JOKE...LOL!
What it does is simply visualize the directory sizes in Tree View in order to free up some HD space by deleting the larger folders....
that's it! Can also delete, recycle, copy, move files & directory with ease...
OK, nice GUI but does the developer really believe that people need to buy a LICENSE to do all of that?
Come on....be serious man!!!
* (Portable) Xinorbis (==> My Personal First Choice)
Freaking awesome FREE Hard Disk, folder & storage analyser and comparer which gives users a complete overview on the contents of their hard drives, by using a sophisticated mix of tables, tree displays and graphs.
With this magic FREE tool you can find out the number, size and location of any items on the HD according to the file types, as well as locate and remove duplicate files or the oldest ones you don't need anymore in order to free up some Disk space.
Can analyse the content of any kind of drive out there (HD/SSD, folder or network folder/share, external FireWire or USB drive, memory card etc...) showing the total files number, their size and date, average file size, null files, total folders, empty folders, the largest file and folder, the Top 101 largest/smallest files or newest/oldest files etc...
In addition to that, it's even able to combine any number of the above storage devices into a single scan, in order to produce a final REPORT in the following formats:
- HTML format (with graphs)
- CSV (all files and properties or user-customisable summary)
- Text (all files and properties or user-customisable summary)
- Tree (a textual representation of the structure of scan folder)
- XML (all files and properties or user-customisable summary)
User Manual:
* (Portable) Meinplatz
It scans your HD deeply and view the files in order to locate lost disk space. Then all results of the scan can easily be exported to plain text, XLS, HTML or CSV files.
See also:
To quickly move files from one folder to another via Windows context menu, using your OWN PERSONALIZED RULES by MASKS so as to AUTOMATE the process, just use a little FREE brand-new GEM called "Moveit" and...well, forget for good about browsing through huge amount of files, searching for the one you have to work with:
==> FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <== !!!!! Enjoy ^_^
My 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 cent....
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It's easy to see why this has got so many thumbs down. When you read the description you're left wondering what the program actually does. "In fact, it is similar to UNIX/Linux du command, or you can think it is a GUI du tool for Windows." is only helpful if you are familiar with the du command in Unix, and I suspect that might be a minority of the people who visit this site.
What you get here is a file manager, and a fairly limited one at that. It produces a tree style list of folders and allows you to run various commands on the files and folders listed. I wasn't very impressed when I ran it and many of the folders had "Cannot compute size" against them, Not very good for a program which "loads drives, folders and files with their sizes".
There are a number of freeware file managers out there and most of them can do more than this offering, so its going into the reycyle bin
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While I like Windows 7 for the most part, Microsoft makes a lot of silly, gripe-worthy omissions like making us have to check the properties of each folder one by one. I like to keep my hard drive as slim as possible so I could see how this program would benefit you in deciding what to keep and uninstall during cleanup.
That said, I use a program that is a much better visualization of your hard drive and it contains most if not all of the features in this software. It's called SpaceSniffer and it's at www.uderzo.it. It's a really amazing way to look at the files and folders in your hard drive and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a total picture of what is on your hard drive. Oh yeah, it's FREE!
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Folder sizes? SpaceSniffer and WinDirStat do a far better job and have been freely available for years.
I get so sick of those of you claiming that "the votes are supposed to be this" or "the votes are supposed to be that". The votes are completely and totally fake every day. A mentally ill loser sits around all day manipulating them. "Why, a person would have to be insane to do that." Exactly. Some days, other people join in on the party. I couldn't care less whether or not you or GOTD are able to tell, which any idiot should. I sent GOTD a link to a program which would solve the voting problem with almost no code and very little expense (a one-time $499 fee, subdomains free, additional domains $20). The relevant point is that they can try it absolutely free, thereby exposing the fake voting (assuming that the program uses good data). The fake voting has no appreciable effect on the number of unique website visitors. It should have little impact on performance, reads don't need to be checked, only writes (votes, suggestions, comments). GOTD could have easily tested it on a weekend when there is less traffic. I also told GOTD some ways to do it themselves if they feel like coding or the program isn't any good. I can tell GOTD more, but they don't even acknowledge my emails. Tell GOTD that you want the fake votes rejected.
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1Tree Basic provides quick and easy access to all your storage devices, allowing you to know exactly what the file is and to whom it belongs. It seems to support the majority of file extensions, so a very handy tool to have.
The first glance it hits you: a very ugly UI made far worse by the ugliest icons I have ever laid eyes on; really, amateurish stuff. However, I can forgive this as a trade-off against performance and stability.
Performance is very snappy ... no waiting for it to identify files and switching folders is very fast. As such, this becomes a much more usable and informative utility.
But, I must add too that 1Tree has stability issues. Under Windows 7 ultimate x64 the software locked up almost every time I went to close it. No good at all, and most annoying.
On the whole, 1Tree is very helpful and I will keep it for occasional reference, but the stability problem renders 1Tree just something to have kicking around in the bottom og your toolbox.
One thumb cautiously up and the second thumb wondering what it's like being a finger.
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