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Aiarty Image Matting 2.2 (Win&Mac)< のgiveaway は 2025年1月22日
Aiarty Image Matting は、AI PC 用の最先端の AI ベースの画像マット化ソフトウェアです。高度な人工知能アルゴリズムを利用して、前景の被写体を正確に分離し、それらを単色または他の画像とシームレスにブレンドします。商用製品、個人のポートフォリオ、またはソーシャル メディアの投稿のいずれに取り組んでいる場合でも、Aiarty は髪、毛皮、半透明のオブジェクト、低照度条件などの複雑なディテールを処理し、シャープなエッジを維持して作品を次のレベルに引き上げます。
Windows 10 and 11 (x64) and MacOS 10.15+
356 MB
Lifetime for 1 PC with no free updates
コメント Aiarty Image Matting 2.2 (Win&Mac)
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I´ve been playing around with this program for about 2 hours so far.
I´ve been a photoshop user for almost 30 years now. It took me a long time to develop subject / object isolation skills in photoshop. It is always a slow process if you need professional results. Programs like this always catch my attention because they could provide significant time saving.
After trying background removal with several images y can say that Aiarty Image matting definitely works very fast when the background is simple and you only need to select a human or an object which is clearly well defined in a photo. Takes a couple of seconds and the results are very good.
On the other hand. For images with very busy backgrounds, or if the colors on the background are similar to the colors of your intended subjects, or if you need to add certain objects close to your subject, this is where the learning curve starts.
You will have to, by trial and error, manually select parts or objects. If after the first run there is an object or body part which did not make the cut, it is impossible to mask those back in. The tools in the tool panel on the top left are intended for edge refinement, not to paint a complete object back into your selection. You will have to go a step back and manually select those objects or further refine your manual selection and then process further passes.
If the initial background removal is a little bit fuzzy, you will have to spend several minutes refining the edges with the tools provided. With the last image I tried, I aborted the mission when I felt the process was taking almost as long as it would take with old school photoshop methods.
I will definitely use this program in the future as a first attempt at isolation since it does do a very good job with many images with simple backgrounds or well defined subjects.
If for any reason this program doesn´t mask your intended subjects within a couple of selection / processing attempts I would suggest to move on to your next tool / program of choice.
I will also suggest you read the manual located at:
and watch as many tutorial videos that you can find in order to learn and understand the tools provided.
Thanks GAOTD team for this giveaway.
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VERY impressive AND it includes "Free updates for 1 year".
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there are no free updates for this offer which is indicated in License details:
Lifetime for 1 PC with no free updates
GOTD team
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GOTD team:
My apologies... I had unzipped it into a folder that had an old, unrelated readme file.
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The "I'm-so-smart-I-don't-need-your-help" kind of AI processing is fine if it actually is so smart. A total lack of tools for subtle refinement of the masking process means it either works or it doesn't.
I dropped in a photo of a hummingbird I took recently, fast enough that wings were frozen so no blurry edges, all though, you know, "feathers". Part of one wing was chopped off. Tried some automated "refinements" and recovered the wing but got background included with it. After checking ALL of the refinement boxes, I got *most* of the wing back (still a bit clipped off) and some disconnected background that could easily be removed in other editing software. But still a bit disappointing.
There appears to be no way to attach images here, so I can't show my before and after.
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The AI detection feature in this program is something! Processed a photo with crowded streets in the background, the AI effortlessly isolated the subject in a few simple clicks while maintaining the details on the edges. The bulk processing support is a plus. Thank you for saving my time.
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