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AOMEI Backupper Pro 4.0.2 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — AOMEI Backupper Pro 4.0.2

AOMEI Backupper Proでの使いやすいバックアッププログラムです。
$39.95 期限切れ
ユーザーの評価: 293 3 コメント

AOMEI Backupper Pro 4.0.2< のgiveaway は 2017年1月17日

本日の Giveaway of the Day
$14.95 / month
本日 無料提供

AOMEI Backupperは、簡単で安全なWindowsのバックアップおよびクローンのソフトウェアです。 結合して使用可能で、統合化されシリーズの実践的なユーティリティでデータを保護システムです。


  • システム、ハードディスク、パーティションは、ファイルやフォルダは、バックアップと復元します。 ファイルを同期する。
  • フ、インクリメンタル差動イベント-ガスケジューリング、自動バックアップ;
  • バックアップ同期ファイルをクラウドの駆動デスクトップアプリ
  • ユニバーサルに戻り、選択的に修復、復旧からブータブルメディア
  • ディスク、システムクローンアップのHDDまたは移転OS;
  • マウントを圧縮、暗号化とチェックのバックアップイメージ
  • メール通知で、ログを閲覧、輸出入のバックアップ業務
  • り---

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.


Windows 10/ 8.1/ 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP (x32/x64); CPU: Intel Pentium or compatible, 500MHz or faster processor; RAM: 256MB or greater; CD-RW/DVD-RW drive for bootable media creation


Aomei Technology




87.2 MB



コメント AOMEI Backupper Pro 4.0.2

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GOTDにAOMEI Backupper Proを無料配布するのは弊社の光栄です。ユーザーのサポートはAOMEI Technologyの最大の励ましです。お客様のようなユーザーのサポートだけあって、私達は成長し続けることができます。AOMEI Technologyは心から感謝します。

私達の感謝の気持ちを表明するために、GOTDユーザーは「AOMEI Backupper Pro + 生涯無料アップグレード」を得る機会があります(元の価格は5,680円、今2,272円だけが必要です)。ここをクリックし、この期間限定の60%割引を手に入れましょう


AOMEI Backupper Standard: http://www.backup-utility.com/jp/free-backup-software.html
AOMEIPartition Assistant Standard: http://www.disk-partition.com/jp/free-partition-manager.html
AOMEI OneKey Recovery Free: http://www.backup-utility.com/okr-free.html


更新:無効なライセンスコードで起こした不便をかけして申し訳 ありません。私達はライセンスコードを再活性化しました。ライセンスコードは2017年1月20日まで有効です。AOMEI Backupper Proをできるだけ素早く活性化してください。

AOMEI Technology

回答   |   AOMEI Technology  –  8 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+1)


回答   |   通りすがりのコメ読みました  –  8 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (0)

日本時間の 2017/01/18 09:45頃 (残り時間7時間以上)にてインストールしたところ、readme記載のシリアルコードが無効なライセンスコードとされ登録できず30日間トライアル制限を解除できなかった。

回答   |   通りすがり  –  8 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (0)

Dear All Users,

Happy New Year!

It is a great honor for us to giveaway AOMEI Backupper Pro on GOTD. User's support is the biggest motive power of AOMEI Technology. It is the support of such users as you that make us keep growing. AOMEI Technology thanks you from the bottom of the heart.

As a gesture of our appreciation, GOTD users have the opportunity to get "AOMEI Backupper Pro + Lifetime Free Upgrades" (originally priced at US $49.95, now only US $19.98). Click here to grab this limited-time 60% OFF Discount.

Our vision is to let ten millions of users enjoy AOMEI Software for FREE and use AOMEI Software to optimize system performance and protect data with the easiest way. As long as AOMEI Free products can meet your requirements, you're welcome to use all of them on computers in both home and business environments. Besides, our free products are 100% clean and don’t have any 3rd party program bundled. The main Free products of AOMEI include:

AOMEI Backupper Standard: http://www.backup-utility.com/free-backup-software.html
AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard: http://www.disk-partition.com/free-partition-manager.html
AOMEI OneKey Recovery Free: http://www.backup-utility.com/okr-free.html

Our products still leave much to be improved. Well, you see, nothing in this world is perfect. But we can try our best to make it closer to perfect. If you have any feedbacks and suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
AOMEI Technology

AOMEI Technology  –  8 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+41)

AOMEI Technology,

I've figured out the PROBLEM.
(Maybe, it will be helpful for others, including the competent ones.)
I've been using Firefox with all those "noscript", etc... apps; therefore,
I've decided to use Chrome,
and it WORKED.
I've just purchased your "lifetime Free Upgrades".
Thank you for such a good Special Deal.

P.S. On the other note, please check why it's impossible to place an order with Firefox.

indie  –  8 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+23)

unfortunately it seems that we have exceeded the activation quote on the developer's server.

Please note that it is a late night in the developers country! We'll contact them and hope they'll enlarge the quote in the morning.

We'll also consider the opportunity to prolong the giveaway.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Helen  –  8 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+31)

Aomei Backupper has been my "go to" backup software for the last several years. It has been the most reliable (beating out Paragon and a few others) for me across a dozen systems when backing up to a NAS. The only issue I have had is that its emergency USB boot disk creation has been buggy. If you make a USB boot disk using its built-in creator, then I strongly suggest you test it out before you need it to ensure it functions properly. Aomei does have links to some Windows PE Boot images in their forums which might work if Backupper's built-in version fails.

bunnyb0y  –  8 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+28)

Aomei Backupper was given away back in Oct 2016, and the comments I made there are still valid.

Everyone should have an up-to-date image of their PC, and this software is great at making the process easy. The fact that this is on 4.0.2 (so two revisions to the previous update of 3.5) shows this program is continually updated and bugs/issues are fixed promptly.

While I stand by Aomei software, I don't feel the need to grab the 'Pro' version and get locked into this version. Updates to the 4.0.x line will be valid, but when they release 4.1.x, you won't (or didn't last time...) be able to upgrade.

So again, ensure you have a 'fresh' backup of your computer and any important data. These are two completely different things, and the strategies involved in accomplishing these tasks are different two. Aomei Backupper will go a long way to try and solve both issues - backing up not only the disk image, but folders and files too - but the key thing is that when a hard drive fails (and despite fantastic modern hardware, they WILL fail) you have a backup image you can easily get to and rely on to get you back up and running quickly. I can't recommend Aomei Backupper enough, and considering their software is free (ignoring todays giveaway) they regard consumers a high value.

Chris Locke (CS Computer Services)  –  8 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+25)

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