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AthTek RegistryCleaner< のgiveaway は 2011年8月2日
AthTek RegistryCleanerは Windows 使用者のレジストリーをスキャン、整理。レジストリーの知識が無くてもレジストリーを簡単に整理でき、凝縮、バックアップ、回復も可能。
Windows 2000/ XP (SP2 or later)/ Vista/ 7
5.71 MB
AthTek Skype Recorder はSkype IMツールで、Skype稼動時に同時に稼動、電話を自動的に録音。クリーンなインターフェースでウエブサーバーでの自動アップロードも可能。商業用としての利用も可能。
AthTek Keylogger はインスタントメッセージ、Eメール、ウエブサイト、インターネット使用内容、イメージ、FaceBook と Twitter, キーの動き、プログラム、CDラム、書類、ファイル、USB、クリップボードなどを簡単に記録。
Code to FlowChart はソースコードをフローチャートへ変換。フローチャート、NSチャットをソースコードから作成可能。ダイアグラムで複雑なフローを簡単に説明。
コメント AthTek RegistryCleaner
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Since Windows Vista the Windows OS does a great job of Registry management itself. The registry is not something that you should just go messing around with without any knowledge of what you are doing. While cleaning the registry can be beneficial in older machines especially pre Vista machines, it can also be DANGEROUS and cause instability and crashes if not done properly. Always, ALWAYS make a backup before cleaning or deleting anything in your registry. Whenever a registry cleaning program is offered here on GOATD it makes me laugh to read the comments that say so and so program only found this many bad keys, while this program found more. It must be better. Believe me, more does not always mean better. It just means that it scan engine is programmed differently and it could be better or it could be worse. The true measure is after it deletes what it scanned is your system still functioning properly?
Be careful with this program. Especially if you don't know much about how Windows and the registry works. I will never tell someone not to use this, but it is not really needed especially if you have Windows 7!
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@Paco... While I agree with you that all of those people who already voted have most likely not tested the software in the first 6 mins, I do understand that they may have tried an earlier version. I also don't feel they should vote on this version based on the experience from an earlier version.
However, that being said, I have to give this software a THUMB DOWN as well. BTW, I DID INSTALL AND TEST THIS VERSION ALREADY. I can't trust a registry cleaner when it includes a registry key and won't allow me to see the entire key, but rather finishes with "..." when it gets to the end of the field length. I can name at least 3 other major turn-offs, but there's no reason for me to look any further, IMHO.
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I find registry cleaning to be somewhat anxiety-provoking.
I won't say it shouldn't be done, but care should definitely be exercised as regards all the aspects involved. And, if unsure, do nothing! If you're going to play with the registry, back it up.
Go to the Start Menu.
Open "regedit.exe".
Go to File menu, click Export.
In the "File name" field, choose a name for the backup.
Select a file type (registration file, registry hive file, text file, Windows 98/NT4.0 registration file).
In Export Range, one can select a partial or complete backup. Do a complete backup.
Save. Remember where you save it. Best to create a specific folder.
This can be done straight from the OS, no other applications required.
If you have maintenance applications, such as TuneUp Utilities, you can do the same thing from there, some autoname the backup with the date.
Now, you can go play!
CCleaner is a non-aggressive, light tidy-up. But it's not a deep clean, unless you've allowed rubbish to build up.
Deeper cleaning is more complex.
Currently, TuneUp Utilities is saying that I can delete a particular registry key, as the programme it's linked to isn't on my system. But the programme is on my system! So it's made an error, thus I won't allow it to continue, there could be other errors. Until the issue is checked and resolved, no more cleaning from that particular app.
So be careful!
And another thing,
be careful!
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To make it perfectly clear you NEVER ever need to clean the registry. NEVER.
The sad truth about registry cleaners is that they will only very rarely make your computer faster or fix an problems with your computer. Once I cleaned probably around 10,000 (yes, ten thousand - I test new software daily and never do a clean install of Windows) so called registry errors from my computer, with the end result being that there was absolutely no noticeable difference in how my computer ran afterwards.
The vast majority registry "errors" do not actually cause any problems - and rather than being actual errors are just unneeded data. Sure, you can delete this data if you wish - but on the flip side it causes no harm if left there.
To make matters worse 99% of registry cleaners (including today's giveaway - I tested it about a week ago when I first came across it) mistakenly identify some needed registry entries as being errors. Delete these, can lead to serious problems and in extreme cases can make a computer unbootable.
Also, the vast majority of registry cleaners which are recommended as being safe to use are in fact unsafe - and also want to delete needed registry entries. Even the so called safe registry CCleaner can cause problems (however, if you uncheck the scan for "Obsolete Software" it is quite safe to use).
As a technician I have used registry cleaners many time when I encounter computer problems - but only in a handful of cases has a registry cleaner actually fixed anything or made the computer run any better.
My advice to all the readers here is to avoid this giveaway as it is definitely unsafe to use. If you insist on wanting to clean the registry, Auslogics Registry Cleaner and Vit Registry Fix Pro are free and very safe to use - as long as you turn of deep scan in Vit and don't enable "Missing Software" under "Advanced Categories" in Auslogics (the other ones in advanced categories can be checked).
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Thumbs Down
I whould not trust this software to much. After 7 runs it got my errors down to 4. After 10 runs those 4 where still there. Made a compact and rebooted. I now got 140 errors. After 3 runs they are down to 12.
This looks more like one of those fake AntiVirus, it just has to find something to make you buy it.
If a clean registry gets compacted and it has loads of errors after a reboot, I say either your registry software is shitty, or you got some major problem with your software.
Now I do not apear to have a major software problem, since I type this.
CAUTION is adviced
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