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Audio Editor Deluxe 9.0.1< のgiveaway は 2013年11月8日
Audio Editor Deluxe は Windowsのオーディオファイル編集ツールで切り取り、コピー、貼り付けなどの機能を提供。またフィルらー、オーディオ効果追加、変換、合併なども実施。20 以上の音響効果と6つのフィルターを提供しユニークなオーディオファイル作成を実現。
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (x32/x64); 1.0 GHz processor (Recommended: 2.4 GHz); 512 MB of RAM (Recommended: 1 GB or more); 60 MB of hard-disk space for program installation; Internet Explorer 7.0 or later required
24.2 MB
Free Sound Recorder は自分の声、音楽などサウンドカードを通じて聞こえる音を録音。マイクからのインプット、インターネットのオーディオストリーム、CD,LPカセット、電話などの外部機器から聞こえる音、また Winamp, Media Playerなどをサポート。高度な音響録音を提供。
All Free DVD RipperはDVD変換 ビデオをDVDへ変換、 AVI, MP4, WMV, MPEG, 3GP, FLV, MP3などをサポート。iPod, iPad, PSP, iPhone, BlackBerryなどでプレーバックできるよう変換が可能。コピーしたいDVDのタイトル、チャプター、オーディオとらっく、サブタイトルなどを選択できアウトプットの調整も可能。
All Free Disc BurnerはデーターをコピーしたりメディアDVD,CDをコピー。ISOイメージ作成も可能でCD,DVDからISOイメージを抽出。またブート可能なディスクを作成し大きなサイズのデーターも処理。データーを損失することなく処理し書き直しのできるディスクのデーターを削除して再利用できるようにすることも可能。
All Free Ringtone Maker は好きな歌からリングトーンを作成。MP3, WMA, WAV, オーディオ CD と他のオーディオファイルから2,3分で作成完了。音楽を選択、編集、そして携帯に移動するだけで完了。ウエーブフォームで好きな部分を選択することが可能。
コメント Audio Editor Deluxe 9.0.1
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Some time ago on 8 July 2012, GOTD gave away an excellent software, named Smart Audio Editor - which was the best for me so far.
Somehow, I did not like the user interface of Audacity freeware.
Thanks to AudioEditorDeluxe Inc + GOTD.
Tested this software AudioEditorDeluxe Version 9.0.1.
Result: Very Good.
User interface is fine.
Cropped a silent long pause at the start of a song.
Easy to do with Trim Start and Trim End, then Crop to keep selected portion.
You can playback the edited song with built-in player before the save.
Do a Save As (so as not to overwrite original)
It has a wide range of Effects. Such as Reverse and Invert.
Very important, it has Undo and Redo buttons.
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My first response on seeing this giveaway was my goodness that's expensive!
My response on opening the program was what a lot of effort has gone in to making a really attractive interface.
The program is also very fast in applying effects and loading files.
The text-to-speech is unusual in that it very rapidly create an audio file which you them play.
Recording through the microphone presented no problems, in fact nothing I tried presented any problems whatsoever.
A beautifully crafted program, the interface being particularly attractive and most certainly should not be missed.
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If it helps at all...
Some audio software comes with virtual drivers to overcome the DRM limitations of a lot of built-in audio chipsets -- the inability to record whatever's playing on your speakers/headphones. Sometimes these drivers are cool, sometimes they're not, but it's often a time will tell sort of thing, so as possible back up before installing any sort of driver in case some sort of compatibility problem crops up later.
On audio recording &/or listening quality...
Vista threw audio hardware companies into a downward spiral they've just recovering from -- either you sold hardware designed for XP & earlier with missing features, often missing quality, plus driver & compatibility problems, or you went back to the drawing board, starting fresh. Why does this matter? When add-on audio cards are trouble prone more people settle for on-board audio. That meant [means] fewer companies making audio hardware while motherboard makers have incentive to spend more for higher quality on-board audio chipsets.
The result is that nowadays when people listen to audio using their laptops & PCs most use the built-in sound. If you're concerned about the quality of that sound, chances are you use headphones or speakers that enhance [alter] whatever comes out of the speaker or headphone jacks. And for the most part it sounds OK. That's Not to say it's a good setup for recording...
For one thing when you use headphones/speakers that color [alter] the sound, you've got little or no idea what it actually sounds like, e.g. you can't say what someone else will hear with a different set of headphones. And since most people listen rather than record, that's where manufacturers like Realtek(R) spend their money when they design their widely used on-board audio chipsets. Again it could be fair to ask: "Why does that matter"?
Put simply, if at some point you want higher quality listening or recording you've got to use better hardware than your laptop/PC on-board audio. And if you want or need to hear what an audio file actually sounds like [perhaps the most important thing when you're editing audio], you need to use [preferably] speakers or [at least] headphones that accurately reproduce that sound -- otherwise when you use an equalizer for example you're often just compensating for weaknesses in your speakers or headphones. [Note: research before you buy -- it's VERY common for speakers & particularly headphones to be labeled Studio Reference or similar when they're anything but. FWIW Reasonably accurate headphones start at ~$30 on sale.]
On Audio Software...
Better software lets you do more, but it won't increase the basic quality of your audio file(s). You can remove some noise, but what you remove won't be purely noise -- you can add things like dynamic compression [lessening the difference between loudest & quietest] but again you lose some of your original data. If you start with something like a .wav file, the only stuff you can do without losing data is deleting a portion of the file &/or copy or cut & paste part of the file from one place to another. If the file has to be converted to .wav for editing you'll lose data [quality] there too.
That matters because you can [& should] choose your audio software based on what you like & what it'll let you do. You can use a $600 app or today's GOTD, Audio Editor Deluxe, & get the very same recording results. That's Not saying the $600 software won't have better &/or more accurate tools & such, but rather that you can do a lot of stuff in Audio Editor Deluxe just about as well as you can in a much more expensive app.
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I think many guys put a thumbs down but didn't even try to download this program.
I downloaded, installed and registered Audio Editor Deluxe in a few seconds.
The user interface is modern, clean and efficient.
I didn't try all the features, there are many effects and so forth, easy to select with icons.
I can add one thing : this program is FAST, faster than Audacity for instance.
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Well the interface looks great. I opened a short audio file and found it easy and intuitive to cut/copy/move parts of it around.
However when I opened an extra-long file, over 3 hours long, the software didn't respond to clicks in a timely manner, made editing very difficult- but did not freeze or crash. Was able to gracefully close the file.
Also I tried to open from YouTube and both random URLs I tried failed with no explanation.
Still, as is it is enough as a nice looking, seemingly stable audio editor, I intend to hold onto it. Don't really need fancy youtube importing anyway.
Oh, make sure you go to Help -> Register to activate the product, it didn't prompt me to do this at all- I would have forgotten completely and not re-opened it today if not for writing this comment.
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