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Batch Docs Professional 5.6< のgiveaway は 2020年6月9日
編集千ワード文書、Pdf、テキストファイルの追加-削除-置換、フォーマットです。 利用RegEx正規表現により対象の文字交換フォーマット変更、または除去している。 変更の文書フォーマット、ページレイアウト、メタデータの物件です。 の変換、保存文書に人気のフォーマット:ワdocking pane、xtreme property gridなどの高度な機能&DOC,POF、Open Officeぼ,RTF、TXT等削除する語-句またはその他のテキストから複数のを提出する。 申新しいテキストのフォーマットおよびスタイルの特定の項やフレーズをword文書にしております。 バッチ編集ドキュメントプロパティのような著者、タイトルにします。
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10
9.1 MB
3 years
コメント Batch Docs Professional 5.6
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If you have a need for this, then it is very good. My opinion is that if it works as advertised, you need to be very careful how you use it. The problem with this software is not the software. It is the user. A user who does not know how to use this properly will devastate his document files - and he makes changes to many files that he never intended. The worst thing is the user does not know what exactly are the changes that he made to say, 500 files. This can happen when the user is not expert at Regex Code, but uses the wrong Regex Code to make changes under this software.
For the knowledgeable power user who is an expert, then this is an ideal instrument. YMMV.
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ricohflex, sounds like you should be making your changes to copies, and not the originals?
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Looks like an app with some great features. But, I'm a bit confused: The title of this Giveaway is "Batch Docs Professional" but once it is installed and licensed, the "help" menu (? icon at top right of window) says I need to download "Batch Docs Complete" version to "unlock all features." Which features are *not* part of this "Professional" version? I'm not inclined to spend hours playing with this just to figure out which features are present and which are missing.
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It would be worth it to me if it can edit a PDF, which it first says it can but then says POF, so which is it?
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Very old program!
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