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Colasoft Packet Player Pro 1.3.1< のgiveaway は 2016年8月8日
Colasoft Packet Player Proは 撮影したパケットファイルをトレースして指定したネットワーク接続で送信するパケット・ファイル・プレーヤー・ツール で、Colasoft Packet Playerは Colasoft Capsa, Ethereal, Network General Sniffer や WildPackets EtherPeek/OmniPeekなどで作成したフォーマットをサポート。
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
19.8 MB
nChronosはネットワーク分析を高度なパフォーマンスと重要なエンタープライズ・ネットワークで実施。 nChronos Console に nChronos Server を追加し 24x7 の継続したパケット撮影を提供、制限なしでデーター保存。効果的なデーターマインニングとトラフック分析機能を提供。 nChronos はSNMP や Netflow に依存せずに100% oデーターをリアルタイムで取得して分析、過去のデーターも提示。
Capsa はベテランまたは初心者の両者が使用出来るモニターネットワークと保護を提供、クリティカルなビジネス環境で非常にパワフルで完璧なパケット取得、分析を提供。 Capsa は大きな問題を分析、予防をアシスト。
Colasoft Unified Performance Management (UPM)はビジネス関連のネットワーク・パフォーマンス管理を行いツールで、ビジネスネットワークを高質で管理し問題を検知してキーとなるビジネス・パフォーマンスを安定化。
コメント Colasoft Packet Player Pro 1.3.1
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When you set up a home network it's normally no big deal -- just plug everything in, configure the router, set passwords etc. & you're good to go. When you set up a larger biz network however the network traffic can be kind of like the traffic on the highway, with bottle necks & traffic jams. A network tech or engineer works to make sure those slowdowns don't happen.
From some quick research, one way they test a network is to generate traffic to simulate what will happen when that network is put into actual use -- it's part of some certifications. And the Colasoft Packet Player is one of the tools that they can use to generate that traffic.
I'm sure there are other uses, but that's the best example I came across. FWIW doing that very quick research, Colasoft was very frequently mentioned.
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Forgive my ignorance, but just what is it for?
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Any one care to give a deeper explanation of the purpose and use of today's download
Thank You
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Maybe someone could explain what this is for? Sounds like a media capture program.
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If you can succeed to replay those captured packets, you are in luck, because I have tried it before and crashed the whole network by re-sending itself over and over until the memory crashed due to memory overflow.
Second, there is no need to replay those packets if it happen they to be rogue, you may destroy your network and the headache to restore it back is tremendous.
In my opinion, there is no need for this software in you computer , even if it is free.
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You are correct that rapid, repeated replays of even benign packets can wreak havoc, saturating the network, overloading routers, switches, and end-user nodes. This particular packet replay app allows you to set the replay to a single playback or repeat it for a set number of cycles, and you can set the desired time delay between replays to avoid problems.
Still, if you aren't certain the packets you have captured are safe, it is best to run the replay in a test network that is isolated from your production environment whenever possible.
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