毎日 通常購入しなくては使用できないソフトウエアを無料で提供します!
Date Time Counter 4.0< のgiveaway は 2015年11月21日
Date Time Counterは誕生日、結婚記念日、お祝いなどの重要なイベントまでの時間(過去・未来)を年数、月、日、時間、分、秒単位で計算してトラッキング。
このプログラムには1年間の無料アップグレードが付いています。50%割引 をライフタイムのシングルライセンス (1 PC) と ライフタイムのパーソナルライセンス (3 PCs) で本日のみ提供!
Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
5.22 MB
Advanced Recent Accessは最近しようしたファイルとdirectoryを見ながらオープンするツールで、パス、サイズ、タイプ、変更や作成した日付けなどを表示。
コメント Date Time Counter 4.0
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Installed and registered smoothly. Tries to connect via Internet to somewhere. When banned from Internet - crashes. Uninstalled even more smoothly..
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The help is on the Net:
I did want to know what Precision (Years: 3, Moth: 2 ...) means.
No answer.
Just something about the way of calculation:
# Algorithm For [Years] And [Months]
[Years] = [Seconds] / 3600 / 24 / 365.25
In above expression, 365.25 = the average days in 4 years (3 non-leap years + a leap year) = (365 * 3 + 366) / 4.
[Months] = [Seconds] / 3600 / 24 / 30.4375
In above expression, 30.4375 = the average days in 48 months (the months of (3 non-leap years + a leap year)) = (365 * 3 + 366) / 48
It seems that the program works with averages and not with the real numbers.
So from 20 feb to 20 march is the same in a leap-year and a non leap-year.
I did a test: I set the time on 20 march 2016(leap-year) and insert a item dd 20 feb.
I did the same in 2015.
There is a difference of 1 day, 24 hours, 1440 minutes:
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After reading down the comments and witnessing Nosa Lee's sarcastic responses, my interest in this software ended.
Very poor attitude if you ask me.
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Hello everyone,
To know all our software products, please visit our homepage at
And you can find other 5 sites on the bottom of above page. Just visit them to know more detail if you are interested in them.
Thank you.
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Says on GOTD page that software is %50 off
On homepage of product it however says nothing about discount.
Also transporting people directly to Paypal pay page when clicking buy at GOTD page is *very* poor psychology especially when it doesn't show squat about any discount given...
Yes , I can read , and I see that it says that price is this or that at home page so with a little going forth and back I can see that apparently a discount is given.
Anyway , for a program like this , which for me is like a small utility then I think that price is a bit steep - but maybe that is just me...
But thank you for the opportunity to try the software :)
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Simple installation and registration, on opening a pleasant and easy to read interface.
Presents in tabular form the time between the present and future/past events; these events can have a different colour.
The fonts used can also be changed.
The time difference is presented in years, months, weeks, days, hours and second; the precision can be set for each of these time intervals.
A really nicely well thought out piece of programming, but, 20 dollars is not a realistic price.
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