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File Sharing Pro 3.4.4 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — File Sharing Pro 3.4.4

$39.90 期限切れ
ユーザーの評価: 24 コメントを残す

File Sharing Pro 3.4.4< のgiveaway は 2022年4月17日

本日の Giveaway of the Day
本日 無料提供

File Sharing Proは、ネイティブオペレーティングシステムのファイル共有セキュリティとプロフェッショナルなWebサーバーを使用する安全なファイル共有ソフトウェアであり、任意のデバイスの任意のWebブラウザを使用してファイルを安全に共有できます。 File Sharing Proファイル共有アプリの唯一の要件は、ルーターにポートフォワードを設定することです。その後、連絡先とインターネットを介してドキュメント、写真、ビデオ、および音楽を安全に共有する準備が整います。ファイル共有ProWindowsファイルサーバーとMacファイルサーバーは、ユーザーが任意のデバイスと任意のWebブラウザーを使用して接続できる安全なWebサイトを公開します。正常にログインした後、ユーザーは画像、ビデオ、音楽、およびドキュメントを参照およびダウンロードでき、さらにユーザーはファイルをアップロードできます。 File Sharing Proは、ダウンロードとアップロードの両方で大きなファイルサイズをサポートします。 File Sharing Proを使用すると、第三者が関与したり、プライバシーの問題が発生したりすることはありません。機密ファイルを非公開にしたい場合は、FileSharingProが予算にやさしいファイル共有ソフトウェアソリューションです。主な機能:1。オペレーティングシステムのセキュリティ認証と連携してファイルを公開および保護するプロフェッショナルなWebサーバー。 2.使いやすいユーザーインターフェイス。 3.100以上のmimeタイプに対するWebサーバーのサポート。 4.大きなファイルのサポート。 5.クライアントファイルのアップロードのサポート。追加機能:1。ユーザーがアクセスできるページを割り当てる機能。 2.実行可能ファイルを共有する機能。通常のブラウザを介して完全なセキュリティでインターネット経由でファイルを共有したい場合は、FileSharingProがこの価格帯で特に最適なオプションです。

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Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10/ 11






4.6 MB

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Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
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コメント File Sharing Pro 3.4.4

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There are free file transfer services (such as WeTransfer) that do not require open/manipulated ports to do this. I'd be leery of what could come allowing ports to be changed.

Hott  –  2 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+63)

To Hott, regarding the risk of an open port.

In theory, this is the only program responding to the open port, and it's hard-coded, no HTML engine, so it can't 'run' anything sent to it from anywhere.

However, malware might scan for open ports and use the open port, so there's that.

Peter Blaise  –  2 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+14)


- Ignore requests to shut down other running programs during installation.

- run FileSharingPro as administrator to access all options.

- Search [ F1 ] in it's help INDEX for the word "router",
to get a link to an external non-PCWinsoft web page
to learn how to turn on your router's port forwarding,
I dunno what port to open,
FileSharingPro doesn't;t say,
the website presumes Xbox 3074,
I used 8075 instead, because ... see below.

- the help system believes this is 1AVshare,
FileSharingPro is probably a breakout subset of 1AVShare,
some help pages are missing,
few illustrations correspond to this program.

- Your external address to share and browse to using any browser is
[ http://[your external IP address]:8075/ ]
sort of, see the [ Pages ] tab at the bottom of the program
to see the REAL web addresses to go to to see our shared stuff:
[ http://[your external IP address]:8075/video.htm ]
for example.

- The program COPIES files, one at a time, to
[ C:\Users\Public\Documents\File Sharing Pro\publish ]
to share them,
NOT into Video, Images, Audio, and Documents folders.

- the program is in
[ C:\Program Files (x86)\FileSharingPro\ ]

- I could not find any place where it stores user preferences,
if anyone finds where, please tell us.

- I copied a video using the program.

- I also created some stuff manually using Windows File Explorer,
I dragged and dropped a SHORTCUT of my "archives" folder to
[ C:\Users\Public\Documents\File Sharing Pro\publish ],
and I created a new folder there,
and I created a text file using Windows File Explorer,
just to see what gets shared.
and I restarted the program,
and the program itself saw my manually-created shortcut, folder, and text file,
but they were not visible when accessing the FileSharingPro service over the web,
oh well, that's a deal-breaker for me.

- See [ Action ], [ Web Server ], [ Authentication ]
to see passwords to sign in as when browsing to our web server.

- remember to START the web server each time when starting the program.

- I got a black screen with nothing when browsing to
[ http://[my external IP address]:8075/ ]
or to my sample [ ...video.htm ] page

- tap [ Ctrl ][ A ] to highlight everything on the webpage,
and I then saw the video file, black-on-black,
but I could not see anything I manually created,
I could not see my manually created folder
or test document or shortcut.

- go to [ Action ], [ Web Server ], [ Customization ]
to change the all 6 background colors [ ! ] from black to white,
you can click on the sample mini page to find all the black backgrounds,
double click on anything black to toggle the selection from text to background,
remember to click [ > ] to restart the webserver if not started yet,
remember to refresh the page in a web browser to see changes.

- nothing pops up to identify the meaning of icons inside the program
when hovering over them with the mouse pointer,
but see the status bar at the bottom of the window instead.

- it suggests we can edit the links but nothing happened when I tried.

- some tests will not work until the web server is started
( and you started the program as administrator, remember ? ).

- I have no idea what the FTP client in this does,
browsing to [ ftp://[your IP address]:8075/ ]
accomplished endless wait at a blank screen,
does this FTP to other sites, unrelated to it's own web service?

- some menu items seem to do nothing, such as
[ Help ], [ Auxiliary Downlaods ].
but [ Help ], [ Auxiliary Downlaods ... ] ( another menu item )
does open their web page ... to an invalid link.


This seems OK, but quirky, for sharing COPIES of stuff,
but not for sharing the actual stuff,
especially not for easily providing access to large quantities of stuff.

Why a black-on-black screen?

Why no share of manually created items?

Perhaps the vendor plans a more sophisticated web service file-sharing program, I dunno.

But this looks like a break-out of just the web server from their 1AVCenter all-in-one software.

So maybe this is it, web server wise, from PCWinsoft.

Thanks for letting us explore this and share.

Peter Blaise  –  2 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+33)

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