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iSpring Pro 4.1< のgiveaway は 2009年4月10日
iSpring ProはパワフルなPPTプレゼンテーションを作製。
作製されたプレゼンテーションをウエブ上で紹介 SlideBoom.com無料スライド共有
MS PowerPoint 2000/2003/2007, Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista
11.6 MB
iSpring PresenterはPowerPoint をフラッシュプレゼンテーションに変換。Quiz Builder とLMS publishing機能でパワフルなe-learning コース作製。
コメント iSpring Pro 4.1
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Some technical details about product:
iSpring Pro is an addin for Microsoft PowerPoint 2000-2007 only. It doesn't work with Open Office.
However, Open Office users can always save their presentations to PPT format and upload them to www.slideboom.com portal where they will be converted to Flash format absolutely free. And you can publish then on your web site or blog.
iSpring Team
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I wouldn't normally make a comment like this, but I've recently noticed that every time the GAOTD is an add-in for a Microsoft Office program (and clearly states this), a number of OpenOffice users seem to feel it their duty to come here and moan '...but it doesn't work with OpenOffice!'
Two points:
1) Would you similarly complain that a Windows program '...doesn't support MacOSX/Linux/MS-DOS/Gem/IBM mainframe!'?
2) You (or your organisation) have obviously chosen to use OpenOffice in preference to Microsoft Office. Please face facts: there are a huge number of commercial add-ins for MS Office and relatively few for Open Office. (My personal view is that this is partly because OO is released under an LGPL licence; partly because developers figure that if you got the whole suite for free, you're unlikely to pay any money to buy add-ons; and partly because the developement environment in OO is pretty primitive compared to the long-matured VBA IDE in MS Office.)
So please, Open Office users, can you give it a rest? We all get the idea. You really don't need to use every add-on for Microsoft Office in here as a 'reason' to bemoan that Open Office has fewer add-ons available. It's just making you all look petulant and petty now. You made your choice: please get on with it and leave those who chose Microsoft Office to go their way in peace!
For the record, yes I use Microsoft Office for preference, but I do have Open Office installed as well; and I've written add-ons for both.
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To all who experience problems with the program activation:
Being asked for the activation when working with the product just choose "Activate" option and click "Next" button and in a few seconds the product will be activated.
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Dear Visitors!
We had to update the build of the software.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Giveaway Of The Day project team.
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However I am pretty sure OpenOffice has a built in feature to export presentations to flash videos so you don’t have to use SlideBoom.com (although SlideBoom.com does seem like a nice service)
Yes, Open Office do have SWF publishing option. However the Open Office generated Flash files do not include animations, sounds and videos.
If you presentations are static and doesn't contain sounds, you won't feel the difference.
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