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JPG To PDF Converter 2.2 (for Windows and Mac)< のgiveaway は 2012年7月2日
JPG To PDF Converterは複数のイメージをひとつのPDFへ変換。JPG To PDF Converter はJPG, GIF, BMP, TIF, PNG、PSDなどからPDFを作成。
JPG To PDF Converterで簡単に PDF eBooksを作成可能。
メモ: Mac OSユーザーはインストーラーを ここでダウンロード (file size: 502 KB).
Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista
4.94 MB
PDF To Excel ConverterはWindowsにて PDFを Excel XLS へ変換。 PDF To Excel Converterで PDF をMS Excel にて編集可能。
OpenOffice (which is free) will convert images AND text into PDF format as well as many other formats
Honestly I can't see the usefulness of tools like this....and I wonder who would be willing to spend 50 bucks (are you joking folks?? LOL!) for an app like this GAOTD designed to do just one thing, namely converting images into Pdfs.
Besides that, there are excellent freeware out there like "Boxoft Free JPG to PDF Converter" and/or "Image to PDF Converter" which do more or less the same things as today's giveaway for FREE!
My two cents....
$49.95 when freeware alternatives exist?
See for example i2pdf which is extremely easy to use. And free.
We are very happy to giveaway JPG to PDF Converter Win and Mac versions both here, if you have any question or problem please leave messages here and we will reply :)
Maybe I am missing something, and credit to the developer for taking the time to program something which might be useful, but for the last 15 years anthing, whether a JPG, a Word document, a spreadsheet - in fact anything you can print - can be sent to a PDF file using any of the myriad of free software available for this purpose.
I have two installed, though don't know why because the favourite is always CutePDF, which makes a perfect PDF document out of any type of file?
Most PDF readers allow you to move pages around, split PDF documents, add pages etc, and I fail to see how the facility to covert a JPG to a PDF will ever be useful?
When application display in a secondary monitor. The menu items was displayed in a primary monitor.
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