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KB Piano 2.5.1< のgiveaway は 2016年6月23日
KBPiano はコンピューターをピアノとして使用することが可能で、ギター、ベース、ドラムなどの複数の楽器と音楽を簡単に作成。楽譜を知らない方でもキーボードを押すだけで音がスピーカーから流れ、大変簡単に音楽作成が可能。
KB Piano はシンプルでパワフルなツールで、ギター、ピアノ、バイオリンなどに簡単に構成して 128+ dのいろいろな音を選択可能。
Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1
15.2 MB
Easy audio mixer はマルチ・tラックの編集ツールで、このツールを使用したことがない方でも簡単にオーディオ・プロジェクトを実施可能。プレゼンテーション、ポッドキャスト、音楽を作成でき、すべて必要な機能を提供。
コメント KB Piano 2.5.1
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This class of detection flags, Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA), may compromise the user's privacy and the security of the local system. These are legitimate applications that often try to use social engineering to make the user install additional offers during the installation of the software the user originally wanted. A PUA application classification is the result of software, an advert, or a website exhibiting one or more offending behaviors and/or properties.
This detection doesn't mean that the file is malicious. However, if the file was installed on the system without the user's knowledge, the user's privacy or system security might be compromised. Disabling this detection is only recommended for advanced users who understand the risks and how to use these applications.
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Installed and runs ok on Windows 8.1
Have had a bit of a play with it and it seems like a very extensive program.
But -
the keyboard window is much too small, some of the things written on the keys barely fit and it makes it hard to read.
the piano keyboard which you can use is also much too small
if you could click on the piano keyboard with the mouse to play the notes that would be a very nice feature
So, a good program but could be much better
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Don't know if it's just me and I haven't figured it out yet but how do I play on more than 2 octaves at a time? If I want go go from middle C down to the G below middle C it doesn't play. Seems very limited to me.
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Downloaded and tried to install three times. Every time with the same result, "Failed to launch the program".
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par, have you turned off your AV?
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Excellent multi-track music making software. Versatile and simple to use. One question: can you use a midi keyboard to play it?
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