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Kerish PC Doctor 4.95< のgiveaway は 2024年4月10日
Kerish PC Doctor は、この分野で最も有望な開発を利用したコンピュータ メンテナンスのための完全なケア ソリューションです。 Kerish PC Doctor は、その独自のシステムにより、Windows のクラッシュをリアルタイムで防止し、システム レジストリの無効なエントリを安全に修正します。このアプリケーションは定期的にシステムの徹底的かつ安全なクリーニングを実行して、蓄積されたデジタルゴミを除去し、それによって可能な限り最善の方法でコンピュータの効率を向上させます。 Kerish PC Doctor は、マルウェアや潜在的な脆弱性から PC を保護し、セキュリティの観点から重要なコンピュータ設定を監視します。 Smart Update システムはアプリケーションのデータベースを即座に更新します。データベースは当社の専門家によって常に改善されています。このシステムのおかげで、ソフトウェア スイートは日々効果が向上しており、当社のソリューションはこのクラスで最も有望なものになっています。
For Windows XP: Processor: 400 Mhz, 32-bit (x86); 256 MB of RAM or higher; 101 MB of Free Disk Space; Monitor resolution of at least 1024x76 For Windows 11/ 10/ 8 (8.1)/ 7/ Vista: Processor: 1 Ghz, 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64); 512 MB of RAM or higher; 101 MB of Free Disk Space; Monitor resolution of at least 1024x768
45.9 MB
one year plus two months (expiration date of keys: 4 May 2025) for 1 PC; Home/Personal use only
コメント Kerish PC Doctor 4.95
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
I consider few offerings on here are worth purchasing but this is an exception.
Running this software and also using some of the many 'Tweaks' offered from within, makes Kerish stand out above the others.
Possibly because I used it on two machines (same IP address) mine stopped working after the first run and reverted back to the trial so there is a get round offered on their site if this happens to you.
You are instructed to uninstall, then clean your system of all previous traces of previous installation and re-install. (All links supplied)
I now have Kerish working on both Laptop AND PC.
Thanks Kerish and GAOTD
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I already have this version installed from another giveaway. If I install this one will the license validity of this one add to the time left of the one I have?
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Mario, each license key has its own term during which it is valid.
This term is embedded in the key at the time it is generated. The terms of different keys cannot be added together: https://www.kerish.org/en-us/order_faq.php#faq_5
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It doesn't give me a key. I just sends me to this page. Using Brave browser
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Dear GOTD users,
the registration page is working fine if you follow the simple steps.
Please make sure that you use the same browser for the archive request and key request and that your browser saves cookies. Also please request the key and don't close the previous download page in your browser during the page visit.
GOTD team
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GOTD team,
I can not get the key. Have tried twice using your instrctions
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I have the paid version (already 2 years) and the software is great, highly recommended!
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