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Movavi Video Editor 7 Personal SE Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Movavi Video Editor 7 Personal SE

Leave video editing to Movavi – it does the job of an entire post-production crew!
$59.99 期限切れ
ユーザーの評価: 542 コメントを残す

Movavi Video Editor 7 Personal SE< のgiveaway は 2012年6月1日

本日の Giveaway of the Day
本日 無料提供
1AVCenter は、完全なオーディオ ビデオ センターです。

Movaviでビデオ編集が簡単 – 切り取り、短縮、合併などの編集、そして移動効果やフィルター追加、サウンドトラック、タイトル追加、スライドショー作成などいろいろな編集が可能。


  • ビデオ編集に必要な機能を満載
  • 映画を修正
  • 切り取り、分離、合併、回転効果
  • サウンドトラックとタイトル追加
  • 移動効果追加
  • スライドショー作成
  • カメラ、ウエブカメラ、テレビ、VHSなどからのビデオを編集
  • 3Dビデオ編集!

制限: このバージョンには (MPEG4, MPEG2, MP3)の編集について制限があります。


Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 with up-to-date patches/service packs installed






40.4 MB



コメント Movavi Video Editor 7 Personal SE

Thank you for voting!
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.

Good Morning Folks


Comment by Vince @ No.3 = "what if i got my computer reformatted or bought myself a new computer and wanted to reinstall/ install this nice program, will it be activated or cannot base on the serial number provided?"

Hi Vince

Since you're NEW to the GOTD Community - it's a fair question. - Basically - the way the system works is as follows -

You have 24 Hours in which to DOWNLOAD & INSTALL the Free Offered Software - The Setup File contained in the .Zip file will check with the GOTD Servers to verify the 24 Hour Window still exists - if NOT the file is LOCKED FOR GOOD - Delete It !!!

Unless you know the Windows File System Structure well enough to Save the Setup File WITHOUT the GOTD Wrapper & Lock intact - YOU CANNOT RE-USE the file from the .Zip !!! - You'll ALSO require the Serial No. which usually gets pre-registered during the Verification Process - don't be fooled into thinking that if you find a Serial No. in the Read Me file - ( also contained in the .Zip file ) - that you can use it on a regular Demo version direct from the Software Developer's site . . . while this does occasionally work - more often than not - the Installers have been specially coded to accept the Serial Details otherwise everyone could enter GiveawayOfTheDay as Username & Password on ANY of the softwares we get - 24/7.

The whole reason for the publishers to give software to us for free is - You try the software & IF you like what you've tried - you then decide to BUY the license - allowing you FREE UPGRADES & Assistance etc. - Also - you're likely to tell Friends & Family about the Great Software you love & they buy it too - meaning We Win with Free Softwares every day & the publishers win with sales AND Positive Word Of Mouth !

Obviously this isn't always the case - some softwares get slaughtered here . . . Some Unfairly - some not BUT the publishers use the feedback to improve on their products & then they re-try for hopefully a better outcome. - We should never be afraid to give CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM - so long as

A: - It's FAIR & JUSTIFIED - If the GUI - ( Graphic User Interface or program's screen ) - is a mess or not easy to follow etc. Help Document missing / Not Helpful Enough etc. Technical Bugs in software - ie crashes etc.

B: - It's EXPLAINED - saying this software's CR#P is NOT helpful to the community OR the Publisher - neither is "I don't NEED ANOTHER . . . Editor / System Monitor" etc.
To actually show that the software has been fairly tested AND has been given a chance to either perform well OR disappoint & the outcome - shows us - the community & the Publishers that THIS IS WHAT TO EXPECT !

Please DON'T BE PUT OFF THE SITE - just because you're comment is likely to be voted down - quite substantially . . . for some reason this is common practice - it happens to most people who ask questions here - NOT JUST YOURS. - The stupid thing is that it's people like you who are what makes this site unique - there are other download sites that have tried - ( unsuccessfully ) - to copy this site BUT FEW have managed to capture the COMMUNITY SPIRIT found here EVERY DAY. - I've always said that "IF YOU DON'T ASK . . . YOU DON'T KNOW !!!"

Despite the few Hundred Votes counted on screen every day - ( Thumbs Up / Down etc. ) - this site actually receives THOUSANDS of visitors EVERY DAY - Some will go out of their way to vote & even leave feedback etc. A Few will even attempt to help others but the majority will use the service as a download site & nothing more !!! - This just a reality of a service like GOTD. - Despite this fact Questions & their replies help to EDUCATE HUNDREDS OF VISITORS EVERY DAY & I'm proud to be one of those who help others here.

DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK - even at the risk of being voted down - we all expect it - it means nothing BUT what does matter is that the question YOU ASK will be on the minds of MANY OTHERS & as a result - IF an answer is available - YOU'LL ALL be wiser. - On that note - can I PLEASE ASK that WE VOTE UP QUESTIONS - THEY ARE TO BE ENCOURAGED NOT DISCOURAGED !!!
Not everyone has my 20+ years of IT experience AND I OFTEN LEARN NEW STUFF HERE - there are the same Old Names & a few Newer ones who constanly deliver Indormation here - be it Technical Knowledge / Software Comparrison / Fre Software Alternatives etc.

Anyway - that's my input for now - I hope I haven't put to many of you TO SLEEP - this Post is also available in HARD BACK ! :o)


I hope this has been helpful for some of you :o)
Here in the UK - we're 8 Hours ahead of GOTD - meaning it changes at 8AM - SO . . .
If you check back late tomorrow - I may have been able to answer a few more of your Questions !!!

For further personal assistance - <a href="http://macs-pc.net/e-mail-links-lo-res.php" title="Opens Macs-PC.Net - E-Mail Page . . . " Please Contact Me Anytime Here . . .
- ( I'll attempt to reply as soon as I'm able within 24 - 48 Hours ! ) -


Apologies for any Typos

Cheers for now & HAVE A GREAT DAY FOLKS !!

- - Mike - -
- Macs-PC -

LIVE in the UK ! :o)

Macs-PC  –  12 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+172)

Installed on win xpsp3

Install and register - simple and easy.

Tried to load Lord of the Rings AVI - ffdshow errors, locked up.

Chose a small video I had made and it loaded. Then I re-loaded same video with detect scenes. Took awhile to load. I then dragged/dropped the first scene to the timeline and got an error and program crashed/closed.

Currently downloading to my windows 7 system and will see how that goes. But for now have not been able to do anything with it at all (not saying others won't have better results and am open to it being a problem on my end - as a programmer myself I know all too well how finicky systems can be).

Not rating it at this time until I do some more testing later.

Todd  –  12 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+130)

List of files doesn't have mpeg/mpg? !?! Really?! 95% of the files I wanted to edit are mpg based. They are downloaded off my Tivo.
This is not a codec problem, this is unsupported files formats.

How can you not support *,mpg? Or did I miss something?

Fingerlakes Dave  –  12 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+121)

@12 SamGoody

I didn't find anything sarcastic about the comment of #9. He is absolutely positively correct. What kind of video software, especially a video editing software, doesn't support mpg format?

You comment is unwarranted and unsupported. Apparently you know very little about formatting. Every time your convert a video file you loose quality. Under your theory an mpeg video would have to be converted to avi or another supported format then when saved converted again. Nah... think before you speak. #9 is dead on point!

Joe  –  12 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+107)

Well...despite being a limited version of the full program, I found this software an excellent tool to edit any kind of videos you may run into.

Ok...it doesn't support mpeg/mpg formats....but, to convert them to a format supported by this GAOTD, you can use FORMAT FACTORY or better yet the portable version of the excellent freeware "iWisoft Free Video Converter":


What's the problem in doing that, dudes?? LOL!!

That being said, the BEST FREEWARE ALTERNATIVES to this GAOTD are:

- Avidemux 2.5.6

- Free Video Converter

- Machete Video Editor Lite 3.8

- AviSynth 2.6.0

- AVCHD Editor (Blu-Ray Video Editor ==> COOL APP!)

See also:

Want to create 3D movies from 2D for FREE??

No problem:

Want to extract for FREE any audio tracks from your DVDs for playback on iPod or MP3 players??

No problem:

Want to create your own home made “do-it-yourself” DVD movie from a TV tuner, a web camera, a DV camcorder or any other video device??

No Problem:

Want to create astonishing SLIDESHOWS with a background sound (wav, mp3 or ogg), subtitles, tons of transictions and special effects or even a MOVIE from such photos, and then save it on a DVD or share it online with your friends and/or relatives??

No problem:


Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+92)

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