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NeoDownloader 2.6< のgiveaway は 2011年4月14日
Neo Downloaderは、たくさんの写真、オーディオとビデ・ファイルを簡単にダウンロード。引き落とし作業だけで簡単に完了。
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
3.25 MB
RoboTask はコンピューターのアプリケーションを簡単に稼動させたりEメールをチェックしたり、ファイルのバックアップなどのタスクを自動的に実施。簡単なタスクから条件付の IF/ELSE ステートメント、ループなど高度なタスク作成も実施。
コメント NeoDownloader 2.6
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Hi, guys. Please, consider if it's that urgent to give all these "thump down's! in furure. I've often seen this negative way in the art of communication. Often, someone writes and post a very positive review about the offer of the day. How can you ekspect that person to post again, when his point of view is recieved in such a negative way. Please, try to get my drift - even English/American isn't my native language...
Back on topic. Somehow, I'm surprised, that this app, can do a lot of work for me. I'm a wallpaper collector, and with a single drag and drop action i got my self lots off exiting wallpapers.....or pics in common from my fave blues sites. Even, I'm quite impressed, I think the price is a little too much for the avery guy. However, I could end up addicted with the easy way to improve the collection of rare pics. I'll give it a try and consider, if I'll pay 40$ for the convinience, the program offers. Thanks to the team behind GAOTD. Best from Denmark......and please don't forget : Try to be kind and fair. especially if You want some more rewiews from your fellow users at this great site.
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Grabs pic files with ease - you can set the depth of the search from the origin page, and the size of the pics etc... in fact, the detailed settings go on and on and on. After setting the project up - two clicks in... go to advanced settings.
You'll see this message.
"[]Open advanced properties for this project when I click finish."
It's all very intuitive - try one of the pre-loaded jobs if you want to see it in action. Remember to allow the installer to load those if you haven't got any experience grabbing pictures like this.
It's a file grabber, and it's one of the best out there, and it's worth full retail. Period.
I already see a bunch of alternatives and criticism that are completely off-point as to what this even does.... and that's no surprise anymore here.
Will copy every pic from a site's galleries in seconds with a broadband connect.
I tested this version, and it's a beauty. Picture plucking programs have been around a very long time - this is what they've become.
- restrict it's roamng or it'll fill your hard drive.
- it's all you need for nabbing pics, and even works for video and mp3 files by the ton.
Peace -
and thank you, GAOTD
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to 2.Leo
NeoDownloader is MASS downloader, it's not intended to download single files as FDM or other similar.
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There's a trend lately of requests for portable and complaints about the requests. To explain:
The advantages to portable.
1. Portable software does not stuff a thousand (or more) entries into your registry. Keeping your computer from bogging down and become a blinking mass of mess.
2. Portable software does not auto-run. Not it, not its dependencies. When it runs, it runs. When off, its not dragging the comp down.
[The occasional exception is much easier to tame.]
3. Portable software tends to be better written. Not an iron clad rule, but a result of trying to be responsible about what goes in.
4. Portable software is less likely to rely on .NET or other runtime environments that may not be up to spiff on your machine.
5. Portable software can be easily uninstalled witout messing up your computer or leaving a gig of legacy junk.
6. Portable software is portable. Which means I can use it from the thumbdrive if I will be away from my computer.
7. Portable software can be taken with all of its settings when upgrading to newer hardware.
8. If the computer crashes, we can restore portable software.
For most of the world, only reasons 1-5 are important.
Especially for software that you've never heard of before, its impact is an important factor in judging the risk vs. the reward.
Almost all Mac and Linux software is portable (as far as meeting all of the above definitions) and the performance shows.
This is also the reason that well known and accepted freeware tools such as WinSCP, FileZilla, and Notepadd++ offer portable versions.
Reasons 6-8 are big bonuses as well, but one can understand how they work against the publisher.
Personally, I think the advantage of offering portable (in number of advanced users that will try it) is too great to be ignored.
I think the average user can be trusted not to copy out of the times of the giveaway. Especially as it is usually worth paying for the upgrades.
To complain about the requests for portable is silly and in bad taste.
To all the devs: Thanks, and keep up the great work.
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I like NeoDownloader, although I rarely need such utilities. Clean install. Called home at startup, I didn't check but probably just an update check. I agree with #7, Pedro S., that this and Extreme Picture Finder are good.
This is an improved version over the last time it was given away. You can use templates (you can create new ones) or set custom settings (or do both, which is often best). Read the Help file before using and posting.
This isn't designed to help you steal things from protected sites. It does use regular expressions (you can define your own) to handle some simple scripts. You can select other file types than audio/video.
There are lots of settings related to what is scanned, how scanning is done, what is selected, what is rejected. #16, Hussein Mustafa Maxos, NeoDownloader will definitely download from other domains, pay attention to the settings.
There are a number of features. You can play a slideshow. It can open a picture's location, which will indicate what domain and URL an image came from (because they were used to generate the folder names). It can open your browser to a project's URL. There's an optional drop target for use with any browser.
Coding could be improved. Concurrency isn't great, so the UI can be sluggish while scanning. I experienced temporary problems with UI unresponsiveness and flakiness after scanning. Many of the sample projects no longer work and need to be updated.
Everyone has different uses for these types of applications. I would probably use it mostly for downloading templates and such related to applications, or for downloading wallpaper images (of the correct size).
I agree with #13, Dwight Guy, that people are primarily using portable applications to violate license terms. I always find it interesting that people will pay any amount of money to Microsoft and Apple, but won't support other software developers.
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