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RecoveryRobot Pro 1.3.3< のgiveaway は 2020年3月10日
RecoveryRobotスコープを表示し、目的のデータ復旧ソフトウェアプログラムの回収お客様の貴重なデータのほとんどデータの損失シナリオ。 この非常に汎用性はそのデータ復旧機能を必要としないプロのスキル中のデータ復旧ます。
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
6.61 MB
コメント RecoveryRobot Pro 1.3.3
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What happened to the license info in the blue box? Please specify that information so people do not have to ask/guess what it may be.
In this case, is it a one year license? If so, does it include updates or not? Or is it a forever license with no support or updates? Something else? I downloaded the software and registered it but the license information in the program does not state an expiration date or any information other then it is registered.
Can someone from the publisher or the GOTD team please respond. Thank you.
Aside from that, the program downloaded, installed and registered without issue on WIn10HomeX64. I've not had occasion to actually try it.
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Clicked install on Setup.exe
Failed to connect. Please try again later
Each time
Dear GOTD team- help me
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Ada, I downloaded the Zip file, then downloaded Recovery Robot Pro from the company's own website, then activated it using the key given in the text file of the GOTD package. It activated successfully. Hope this helps!
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1 year license? According to the developer's store, it seems to be, because they have only this option.
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I installed and then found the key now states RENEW. Was wondering how long this license will be active. Is this an annual software program? I see the web site shows a version that is $49.95 per year, so I assume this is the same?
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