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Text to Speech Converter 1.26< のgiveaway は 2015年5月31日
Pistonsoft Text to Speech Converterで文書、テキスト、ウエブページをオーディオブックへ変換。テキストを読み上げ、スマートな一時停止機能も提供。音響、声のスピードも調整。すべての SAPI 5 ボイスがインストールされたコンピューターと他のボイス機能をサポート。
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; CPU: at least 1GHz; RAM: 1GB; HDD: 10MB disk space
15.4 MB
Multi Room Audio Playerはマルチメディアソフトウエアで複数のオーディオ・ストリームを異なったオーディを別々の部屋でプレーすることを管理。ナイトクラブなど複数の場所でプレーする音楽を一度に管理する際に大変便利。
Direct MP3 Splitter Joinerはテクニカルな知識の無い方でも音響ファイル (MP3 や WAV) を分離したり短縮、削などの編集する機能を提供。インターネットのラジオ放送やポッドキャストを録音する方に最適。.
Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter は迅速に MIDI を MP3, WAV, WMA、 OGG へ変換。このオーディオ MIDI 変換機能で MIDIファイルをオーディオへ変換してCDへコピーしてCDプレーヤーで鑑賞が可能。
Pistonsoft MP3 Audio Recorder はオーディを録音して凝縮や変換なしで直接どんなフォーマットでも保存。 MP3, WMA, WAV、 OGG をサポート。
Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripperで好きな音楽を他のフォーマットへ変換、CDとしてコピー、 FreeDB データーベースからタグもインポート。
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system. Many, many registry changes...
A company without name and address, few "news", the latest from November 2014.
The software is from mid 2011, the lame encoder from 2009.
Upon start a resizable window opens, you can change few options. The text does not fit into the window.
Hmmm, the "download voices" leads to a 404:
You can open a text file or paste it from the keyboard - "Read Aload", change speed and volume or add a smart pause, which did not work for me.
After adding a "smart pause", the program crashed:
Hmmm, difficult to say anything and remain polite. Think what you want.
I have a long experience with text-to-speach software. I payed years ago a high price for the NaturalReader, which is IMHO still the best software around. The voices had around 700 MB per voice, you had to pay every voice separately. Now, due to the many free text-to-speech programs, prices have been dropped dramatically. But even with this software it was and still is difficult, the get a good sounding, "naturally" spoken text. It does take practice and much time, to organize the text for a good speech result.
Uninstalled via reboot. Don't waste your time and have a nice Sunday!
"Balabolka Portable"
Balabolka is an amazing TTS Program which also uses various versions of Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) and Microsoft Speech Platform. It can read the clipboard content , view the texts from chm, djvi , pdf , docx , doc , epum , mobi , odt , html , rtf etc and also offers to save the on-screen text into Wav, Mp3 , Mp4 , ogg or wma file. Balabolka can save the sxnchronized text in external LRC files or in Mp3 tags inside the audio files. It implements the spell checking engine Common Speller API. It can use Hunspell which is default spell checker of Openoffice and Firefox .
Microsoft Speech API 4.0 - http://download.microsoft.com/download/speechSDK/Install/4.0a/WIN98/EN-US/spchapi.EXE
Microsoft Speech API 5.1installer - http://www.cross-plus-a.com/util/SAPI_5.1_installer.msi
Microsoft Speech Control Panel - http://www.cross-plus-a.com/voices/spchcpl.exe ( the Speech Control Panel will add an icon to your Control Panel to enable you to list the compatible text-to-speech engines installed on your system and customize their settings for your use. )
The Lernout & Hauspie TruVoice Text-to-Speech (TTS) Engine - http://www.v3mail.com/download/ttsengines.htm
installed in xp mode : ok
no language alternatives
english language voice very bad and poor
has a few options but why bother when I cannet understand the voice
I cannot see any point at all to keep this software
verdict : no good
Installed fine on Windows 8.1.
Pasted a piece of text which the program read out with the usual Microsoft voice.
Changed the voice, clicked Read Aloud button and program crashed with OLE Error 80045025
Not a good start!
Installed OK on 64 bit Windows 7. Registration was cut and pasted from the readme file; popped up a box that said registered no problem. Everything seemed good until I tried to add another voice besides the default Windows voice. The program wouldn't add the new voice and when I closed and opened it, the program wanted the registration information again. Too many other free TTS programs to bother with this so I deleted it. NaturalReader, Morz, or Read4Me Clipboard do the same thing for free.
当然、日本語 まるっきり音声が出ない。
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