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The Vector Graphics Club< のgiveaway は 2023年11月2日
プログラム アーカイブには、ダウンロード手順が記載された Readme ファイルのみが含まれていることに注意してください。 Jasrati の The Vector Graphics Club について聞いたことがありますか?他にはないクリエイティブな旅に備えてください。 100,000 を超えるクリップ アート グラフィックのこのコレクションは、一括でダウンロードできる 1,000 以上のカテゴリにきちんと整理されています。この多用途なコレクションはあらゆるスタイルやジャンルに対応しており、心ゆくまで探索して実験することができます。見事な Web サイトのデザインや魅力的なソーシャル メディアの投稿の作成から、目を引くマーケティング資料や驚くべきプレゼンテーションの作成まで、可能性は無限です。互換性について言えば、各ベクター グラフィックには SVG ファイルと PNG ファイルの両方が含まれており、ツールキットの汎用性がさらに高まります。 SVG スケーラブル ベクター ファイルは、あらゆるスケーラブルなプロジェクトやデザインに役立ちます。ハイライト: 100,000 以上のクリップアート画像。 1,000 以上のカテゴリに分類されています。年中無休、無制限アクセス。内蔵の一括ダウンロードツール;無制限のダウンロード アクセス。検索可能なオンライン ライブラリ。トッププログラムとの互換性; 100%ロイヤリティフリー。商用利用ライセンス;自分自身のプロジェクトまたはクライアントのプロジェクトに使用します。
Online membership accessible on any device
≈ 10 GB in total
Commercial Client Developer License
コメント The Vector Graphics Club
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
The stockelementsfx.com site is being hit pretty hard today -- it was down / unreachable for me for a while -- so I only took a very quick look at what was available. While all the images appear to have been vector graphics initially, some are .svg vector graphics files, and many have been rasterized to the .png bitmap format -- the couple I downloaded were 346 x 500 pixels & 1000 x 665 pixels, both at 64 ppi with attributes = AI.
Most of the images you see on web pages are pixel-based, like photos, stored in files that record what every single pixel in the image should look like, its color and how light or dark it is. The larger the image the more pixels it contains the larger the file, and it gets more complicated because you also have bit depth or pixels per inch or dots per inch [for printing]. You'll usually see Vector graphics used for the illustrations in magazines, logos and type [type & the fonts you use are natively vector graphics]. Rather than individual pixels, a vector graphics file contains directions on how software should draw the image, e.g., draw a line from this point to that point, making the file much smaller and almost infinitely scalable -- the same vector image file can be used on a postage stamp or a billboard. Because vector graphics files are so much smaller than bitmap [pixel-based] files, and because they really are one size fits all, vector graphics have been extremely popular for clipart. While it is possible to create images that look like detailed artist's drawings, most of the vector graphics you'll see look like the much simpler clipart you're used to.
Creating / drawing vector graphics is very different than painting / drawing -- you create line end points, adjusting handles for those points to control the line's curvature. It tends to seem impossibly difficult for some, and easy peasy for others, so if you find the whole thing way too difficult you're not alone. That said, one advantage of working with a vector graphics file, e.g., the .svg files available in this package from Jasrati, is that unlike pixel-based images, you can open it in an app like the free Inkscape -- inkscape.org -- and edit the original image without Any quality loss. You can add or remove parts of the graphic, change colors, manipulate point handles to change shapes etc., which is easier than creating the graphic from scratch. Many image or photo editing apps can work with vector graphics to some extent, or you can use a vector graphics app like Inkscape to *Rasterize* the image, sort of taking a screen shot of what the graphic looks like to give you the pixel-based bitmap file a photo editing app works with natively [e.g., all the .png files that are also available].
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Dear GOTD users,
when you perform the registration procedure,
you get a full time access to the library, so please don't worry
if the server is overloaded now. You'll be able to visit it any time later,
when the load gets smaller.
GOTD team
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Thank you for this promotion offer.
But just a heads-up
The page from the textfile in the downloaded zip is very slow, you need to wait about a minute for the purchase page to load and another minute for the rightside of the purchase page to show 0$. It might first show 9.99$ but this should refresh to 0$.
Then after that you get an email with the actual download-page link but that link didn't work (error establishing database connection). The stockelementsfx website itself is very slow. I will try later. (maybe traffic issue?)
Again thanks!
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How long is the license good for?
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SewMagical, the order conformation says The Vector Graphics Club does never expire.
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