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ThunderSoft Flash Gallery Creator 1.8.3< のgiveaway は 2015年4月30日
Flash Gallery Creatorはビジネスのウエブ写真ギャラリーやインターアクティブのフラッシュギャラリーを作成。デザインのテンプレートと70以上の移動効果提供。swfの映画をウエブサイトで紹介したりスクリーンセーバーを作成したり、ビデオファイルをインターネット上で紹介することが可能。
ThunderSoft Studioは 特別価格を GAOTDユーザーへ提供( $9.95)で提供!
一番素晴らしい改善案を提示された方へはライフタイムのライセンスの ThunderSoft Flash Gallery Creatorを差し上げます。 Idea Informer widgetであなたのEメールアドレスを添えてアイディアを提出してください。
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8; Processor (CPU): Pentium IV 1.0 GHz or above; RAM: 512MB or above; Disk Space: 1GB or above
20.4 MB
ビデオを html5 へ変換。アウトプットはほとんどのウエブブラウザーをサポート: IE, Firefox, Apple Safari, Chrome, Opera, そしてiPad, iPhoneでも鑑賞可能。1日のみ特別 50% 割引提供
コメント ThunderSoft Flash Gallery Creator 1.8.3
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system.
A company without name and address.
"ThunderSoft (2009-2014) is a software developer dedicated in providing innovative and easy-to-use products and service to enhance your digital media experience by converting, editing, managing, saving and sharing a wide range of popular media files."
Remember, that each privacy statement, a warranty, a license agreement or anything else is completely useless without a known contract (not contact!) partner.
We had a previous ThunderSoft Flash Gallery Creator 1.0 on May 8, 2012. Here are the old reviews:
A modern greyish resizable window opens. In the options (under help) you define timing, fonts and directory.
You add your photos, define a template (you can choose among 9 templates) define transitions and create an output. In my test a HTML5 output:
The output is good looking, working and created fast, playable with my Firefox:
A nice little program - no additional templates at this moment. In this rather limited:
Does what it claims. Uninstalled via reboot. Don't need this.
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This programme is not good for a website. Flash is not mobile friendly and non mobile friendly websites are now being down dreaded by search engines.
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Er.... Presumably that's why ThunderSoft Flash Gallery Creator comes with HTML5 as an output option.
And why Thundersoft clearly states
"Supports publishing as HTML5 video, supports all major browsers, and can be viewed in iPad, iPhone."
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Installed and registered without any problems, program opened without any difficulties.
A quick test adding photographs and a video, output into HTML5 chosen, video selectable outputs includes WebM, MP4, OGG and Flash, if the latter is excluded no SWF file is created.
Published the output in high quality HTML and was very pleased with the results with and without flash being included. Tested in both Chrome and Firefox.
When I selected to add a photo but actually chose a video it put a photo in the same as the thumbnail shown for the video in the directory selection box.
Going to keep this program as the output was so good particularly in the video which had audio, as a matter of interest tried with my 240 FPS MP4 video in another test and it worked perfectly.
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Interesting that people are getting down-voted for mentioning about Flash.
Flash is an out-dated technology with security flaws. Malware creators are finding more and more ways to exploit Flash. Technology moves on - HTML5 and CSS3 can do so much.
If you place Flash items on your website, mobile users won't be able to see this content and depending on your website and target audience, can cause serious problems. Already Android doesn't support Flash neither does Apple. Its worth reading this article by Apple about their thoughts on Flash.
I'd seriously recommend looking into HTML5 and other technologies for creating image galleries. Even if you have to install Wordpress and one of the plethora of gallery plugins - at least that would be viewable on mobile devices (and free).
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Download and ran on Windows 7 64 bit no problem. The registration also simple, it makes things a lot smoother when the readme file has the codes. The program had a flaw in not resizing the fonts on button at the bottom. Although flash is dead the finished product can be transfered to video easily and I find it best for animation. Good price, ok program.
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