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USB Safely Remove 5.3.8 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — USB Safely Remove 5.3.8

USB Safely Remove solves all the problems of safe removal in Windows and offers a lot of features for convenient and secure work with external devices.
$19.90 期限切れ
ユーザーの評価: 466 コメントを残す

USB Safely Remove 5.3.8< のgiveaway は 2015年3月24日

本日の Giveaway of the Day
本日 無料提供

外部ドライブを削除した際に重要なデーターを無くした経験やWindowsがそのディバイスを停止することができない経験がありますか?また間違ったディバイスを停止してしまったことがありますか?USB Safely Remove ははこれらの問題を解決しWindowsから安全にディバイスを削除できるよう、またその他の多くの便利な機能と安全性を提供。外部ディバイスとも対応。

Zentimoを40% 割引提供。 Zentimo はさらに USBユーザーに対する利点も紹介。


Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)


Crystal Rich Ltd.




12.4 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by OmicronLab
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries

コメント USB Safely Remove 5.3.8

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'USB Safely Remove' is an useful and multi-featured program which I have been using since 2012 when version 4.7 was offered here.

Besides Stopping and removing a device or returning back the device it has some additional features.

- a nice GUI with changeble skins and you can download skin also.

- For each device You can change and assign a drive letter permanently so as the letter will be reserved or fixed for that device only. I think it is very useful feature. No other device won't be able to use that letter but for that The program needs to be running in background.

-option for assigning the Hotkeys for Quick Stopping and removing the device.

- option for specifying the path of an alternative file manager or Windows explorer(by default) for browsing the device immediately.

- option for setting and managing the global autorun. You can set different programs ( such as virus scanner ) which will be launched after device plugging. Also any task can be called after removing and/or after stopping the device as per your setting.

- It can show the currently used/opened files or process/services ( if you run any portable program directly from USB Device or for some other reason) which are restricting to stop the device. Either you've to close the files or you can go for 'forced stop' options. Actually the 'forced stop' does not work at all, but this is safe in one way as we know the forceful stop may damage data (one warning will be shown ). In this situation the safe option is to shut down the system as the shutdown process safely disconnect all drives and devices.

There is Zentimo xStorage Manager ( commercialware) from this developer (Crystal Rich Ltd - a small Russian software company founded in 2007 ) . It is superior to USR as it has some additional options but The Graphical UI is same for both . See the Features Comparison between Zentimo xStorage Manager and USB Safely Remove. Though 'Zentimo' is superior but the setup file is lesser than 'Usb Safely Remove' . Last time the developer explained the reason by saying that 'local help file' was not available in 'Zentimo' , but This isn't true. Both programs come with a well-explained help file .

Also just check Comparison chart of the Windows native safely remove hardware tool and USB Safely Remove

Non-Commercial Alternatives :

*USB Disk Ejector - This is genearally treated as an alternative to "USB Safely Remove" though It has very less features than USB Safely Remove. So logically it consumes much much less CPU and RAM compared to U.S.R. Having a simple and clear GUI this tiny PORTABLE APP just allows you to eject usb device with ease ( there's option to set hotkey ) but can't return back that. It has the full potential to replace the Windows 'Usb Safe Removal' feature but It has a long way to go before it can compete with USB Safely Remove.

Two other very basic and simple programs :



## Remember USB Port Remains Active for Disabled or Safely Removed USB Device in a System except Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. The 'Windows Safely Remove' Hardware feature does not turn off or spin down the connected USB drive. It merely ensures that all outstanding operations are completed and the drive is no longer accessible in Windows, thereby preventing further transactions to and from the drive.
'USB Safely Remove' app has a feature to turn off the power of external usb disk.


Jahid  –  9 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+150)

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system. A clean install.

A Russian company with phone from Saint Petersburg.

We had a previous version USB Safely Remove 5.2.4 on August 18, 2014. Here are the old reviews: http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/usb-safely-remove-5-2/
This program has a long history back to 2005.

Upon start a resizable window opens, it shows your connected USB drives and more option to choose than in real big programs. It seems that some years of development went into the options only, needed or not.

The idea was (is still good), you can loose data, if... At least in Windows 8 this is a build in function, to eject an USB device safely, IIRC, it was also built in in previous Windows version. This program does not much more. One thing, maybe useful, you can eject a device and attach (load) it again without un- and replugging physically. This is an easy way to stop an USB drive and start it again.

Does, what it claims. A well tested and structured little tool. Makes a good impression. If you find the built in Windows options insufficient, you can take this.

I prefer the Windows "safe removal tool", don't want to have too many programs, drivers, services...

Karl  –  9 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+106)

Hi GOTD’ers!

It's nice to meet you again! Today we are happy to run the giveaway for ‘USB Safely Remove’, find its features here.

Note! In order to register ‘USB Safely Remove’ you have to request the license key from our web-site: Request Free ‘USB Safely Remove’ License, besides installing the download from the giveawayoftheday.com.

Some other notes on requesting the license:

The license should arrive immediatelly to your inbox after you requested it, if it isn’t there please check your “spam” folder, add “support@safelyremove.com” email address to the white list and try to request the license again. Also you can try to request the license to your other mail addres (at a different mail server). Just return back to the form and fill it again.
If you do the steps above and still cannot receive the license feel free to contact us. Please, don’t write about it here, if we don’t know your email address we simply can’t help. Of course feel free to ask any other questions here at GOTD, I’ll be glad to help.

**** Special offer! ***

We are happy to offer 40% discount on Zentimo xStorage Manager which is a more powerful version of USB Safely Remove:
     Zentimo vs USBSafelyRemove     Order Zentimo with 40% off!

Igor Tkachenko,
Crystal Rich Ltd, http://crystalrich.com

Igor  –  9 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+57)

To activate this program you are asked to visit this page....


There you will supply your name and an email address. My license will delivered instantly to the junk folder of my Hotmail account. I had versiom 5.1 from an earlier giveaway. I exited the program and installed this one. The install process was smooth and easy as the program used all of my previous install preferences. I like a program that does that.

As for the program itself, well I like it and use it every day on my XP system. I think Windows 8.1 users don't have quite the need for it. I don't plan to put it on my lap top. This has a lot of advantages over the Windows version. Especially for USB devices. Just to give you a tip I recently uncovered, Press Win key and "S" key together. This will bring up the list of drives That will float on the screen until you decide to close it. Much easier than opening from the task bar.

All in all I am very happy to upgrade to this version and say thank you so much to the GOTD team and Crystal Rich Ltd..

gpc111  –  9 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+38)

Great program would not be without it, but then I do a lot via my USB ports.
Way better than the Windows version in XP that's for sure.

XP-Man  –  9 years ago  –  このコメントは役に立ちましたか? はい | いいえ (+33)

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